Over-prescribing is when a person is prescribed "extra" just in case it is needed, that extra has a history of making its way to people not intended, like young people, with devastating results.
Reckless Over-prescribing: Colorado, Washington and then Alaska, California, instituted recreational marijuana, which is a form of "reckless over-prescribing", which allows residents over 21 to use marijuana, a mind-altering substance for any reason, no longer needing a doctor prescription to use, eliminating at least one significant measure that protects people. Some states like, Delaware and New Mexico, allow heavy over-prescribing, which has a history of making it's way to young people with devastating results. See over-prescribing notes below. Mind-altering substances should have a 2 week limit to eliminate over-prescribing. Additionally, without limits on potency, in some cases, marijuana THC increased 2,567%, see dabbing, extracts and oils below, extreme, dangerous high potency use, which leads to quick addiction, sickness and accidents. THC is the addictive part of marijuana.
Over-prescribing does not do well for young people in areas it is implemented, When mind altering substances increase in an area - accidents, suicides, homelessness, runaways, prostitution, violence, theft, arrests, deaths and sicknesses increase due to the high/drunk deceiving effect a mind-altering substance has on the person using it. Young deaths have a history of increasing in areas where lax mind-altering substance laws are instituted. Boulder County, is the first county in Colorado to implement recreational marijuana, Boulder experienced horrible tragic young death increase. U.S. is seeing this trend in states that implement lax mind-altering substance laws.
Over-prescribing does not do well for young people in areas it is implemented, When mind altering substances increase in an area - accidents, suicides, homelessness, runaways, prostitution, violence, theft, arrests, deaths and sicknesses increase due to the high/drunk deceiving effect a mind-altering substance has on the person using it. Young deaths have a history of increasing in areas where lax mind-altering substance laws are instituted. Boulder County, is the first county in Colorado to implement recreational marijuana, Boulder experienced horrible tragic young death increase. U.S. is seeing this trend in states that implement lax mind-altering substance laws.
See notes below, marijuana is the most widely used drug by teens, NIDA and the news indicate there are very poisonous addictive, deadly substances in the young crowd, marijuana is a gateway to these drugs. Remove marijuana from teen population, you remove a method for teens stepping into deadly opiates, meth, cocaine, etc.
According to recent studies, the best defense against Opiate addiction is prohibiting marijuana use before age 34 years old. Prohibiting marijuana before age 34 years old is an effective strategy in preventing opiate addiction in young adults. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31962227
Over-prescribing a medical situation. What if you are hurt and you are given a lot of pain medicine to get you through a surgery or procedure? Doctors don't want to have a hard time concentrating if patient cries out in pain while doing a procedure, may over medicate thinking it is safer for them to concentrate better on what they are doing. What happens to the patient later? Turns out many people become addicted to opiates, marijuana, or other mind-altering substance or alcohol after a medical situation. Implementing mandatory recovery period before leaving hospital would help patients and families prevent hard addiction.
Cap It prevents over-prescribing
Without limits, a mind-altering substance becomes an accidental abuse. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan announced in 2018 it will cap, limit its members' opioid prescriptions to 30 days, and in some cases, five days in efforts to address the opioid epidemic in both its state and the nation. Limits protect health, prevent over-prescribing and help decrease addiction and accidental deaths, https://www.thefix.com/new-opioid-script-limits-announced-blue-cross-michigan.
Over-prescribing Example: Over-prescribing a mind-altering substance has a history of making its way to young people, with devastating results. Young crude deaths tend to increase in areas where lax mind-altering substance laws like over-prescribing are instituted, death rates go up. Limits should be placed on ALL mind-altering substances to prevent them from reaching a crowd of people for which they were not intended, young people. For example, in West Virginia between 2006 and 2016, drug distributors shipped large quantities of opiate hydrocodone and oxycodone to two pharmacies in Williamson at the same time a doctor overprescribed. As such, West Virginia Age 15-34-year-old crude death rate increased to 139.3 is 48.6 points higher than US death rate 90.7 during the same year period 2012-2016!! See link to view West Virginia article. https://www.wvgazettemail.com/news/health/drug-firms-shipped-m-pain-pills-to-wv-town-with/article_ef04190c-1763-5a0c-a77a-7da0ff06455b.html
The 2008 Michigan marijuana law voted in allowed a physician to prescribe medical marijuana to a patient giving the patient the ability to carry and possess marijuana up to 2.5 ounces of medical marijuana. http://norml.org/legal/item/michigan-medical-marijuana In 2008, the 2.5 ounces of marijuana never should not have been brought to voters written in such a way that it "left out important details" stating this bill includes heavy over-prescribing a mind-altering substance and the ramifications this increase presents to young people, young deaths tend to increase in areas where it is implemented. Before the 2008 marijuana bill was brought to Michigan voters, it should have been clarified to voters it included heavy over-prescribing, and the ramifications over-prescribing presents to an area. Over-prescribing does not do well for young people in the area, young deaths tend to increase in areas where over-prescribing occurs. When mind altering substances increase in an area - accidents, suicides, homelessness, runaways, prostitution, violence, theft, arrests and sicknesses increase due to the high/drunk deceiving effect a mind-altering substance has on a person. Boulder County, the first county in Colorado to implement recreational marijuana, experienced horrible tragic young death increase.
Dosage Notes
One standard average marijuana joint-cigarette = is 0.5 grams
1 ounce equals 28.3495231 Grams
28.3495231 Grams x (1 joint/ 0.5 grams) = 56.6990462 joints
1 ounce equals 56.699 0462 joint cigarettes (0.5 grams)
2.5 ounces x 28.3495231 = 70.87380775 grams (1 joint/0.5 grams) = 141 joints (1 month/31 days) = 4.5 month supply
6 ounces x 28.3495231 = 170.09713875 grams (1 joint/0.5 grams) = 340 joints (1 month/31 days) = 10 month supply
Note Sciencedirect.com indicates the average weight of marijuana in a joint is estimated to be 0.32 g. A lower joint size might be happening to due to higher marijuana potency. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0376871616301508
§ In this case 2.5 ounces x 28.3495231 = 70.87380775 grams (1 joint/0.32 grams) = 221 joints (1 month/31 days) = 7.1 month supply
§ In this case 6 ounces x 28.3495231 = 170.09713875 grams (1 joint/0.32 grams) = 531 joints (1 month/31 days) = 17 month supply = 1 year and 5 month supply.
Cap it: A 2-4 week limit should be placed on ALL mind altering substances to prevent them from reaching a crowd of people for which they were not intended, young people. Instead of limits, heavy over-prescribing occurred in 2008. Over-prescribing a mind-altering substance has a history of making it's way to people not intended, such as young people, with devastating results.
Instead of a 2-4 week limit, Michigan medical marijuana made a way for people to drive around with a lot of weed a 4.5 month supply of weed, which is heavy over-prescribing - this law made it legal to medically possess 141 medical marijuana joints of a 0.5 gram size, a 4.5 month supply of medical marijuana which is 2.5 ounces of marijuana. The 2008 MI medicinal marijuana allowed a physician to prescribe a patient 2.5 ounces of marijuana. The voters did NOT know 2.5 ounces equals 141 medical marijuana joints of a 0.5 gram size, a 4.5 month supply, way over-prescribing. The bill just said a physician can prescribe 2.5 ounces of marijuana, the majority of voters didn't smoke marijuana, don't realize 2.5 ounces is a 4.5 month supply of weed. This assumes a patient smokes a 0.5 gram marijuana joint each day, which is a lot. As such, marijuana over-flow has been building up in Michigan since 2008, which coincides with death increases. We were built to serve God, we were not built to serve misery bondage of mind-altering substances. Getting off them is hard, it deceives the mind of the person using, protected recovery helps, thus it is really important to limit its' use.
(Delaware and New Mexico) Two states Delaware and New Mexico allow twice the medicinal amount of Michigan - medical marijuana laws in these states allow a patient to possess 6 ounces of marijuana (340 joints of .5 gram size), a 10 month supply, almost a year supply of medical marijuana, super heavy over prescribing!!!! With those amounts, young people in those states struggle way more than young people in Michigan. 2013-2017. New Mexico age 25-34 year old death rate 190.6 is 72 points higher than the U.S. age 25-34 year old death rate 118.8 in the recent five year period 2013-2017, New Mexico had the 2nd highest age 25-34 year old crude death rate for ages 25-34 years old. Delaware age 25-34 year old death rate 144.3 is 26 points higher than the U.S. age 25-34 year old death rate 118.8 in the recent five year period 2013-2017, Delaware had the 17th highest state death rate for ages 25-34 years old in the recent five year period 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/p/us-ages-25-34-years-old-had-261988.html
Recreational marijuana is a type of exponential heavy over-prescribing.
Over-prescribing a mind-altering substance has a history of making it's way to people not intended, such as young people, with devastating results. Over-prescribing does not do well for young people in the area, young crude deaths tend to increase in areas where lax mind-altering substance laws are instituted.
(1). removes a doctor prescription so adults over 21 years old can use any time for any reason and
(2). For example, in the Michigan ballot which went through in 2018, which proposed legalizing 10 ounces of marijuana, which equates to 567 marijuana joints, an 18 month daily supply of 0.5 gram size marijuana, a year and a half supply of marijuana allowed in homes in Michigan where people are over 21 years of age – EXPOTENTIAL heavy over-prescribing! Mind-altering substances should have no more than a 2-4-week supply, see Cap It above.
(3). The Michigan ballot legalized allowing 2.5 ounces (141 joints can be sitting in any house out in the open) a 4.5-month supply of marijuana can be sitting out in the open in any home a child could enter in Michigan --- which is NOT safe for young people who live in the area!!
For example, Colorado, a recreation marijuana state, had a 27% increase in young crude deaths for ages 25-34 years old comparing the five year span 2012-2016 to the five years prior 2007-2011, 901 more crude deaths in the five year span following recreational marijuana implementation versus the five years prior, 2012-2016 vs 2007-2011 = 4,232 - 3,331 = 901 more crude deaths in the five year span 2012-2016. Colorado had 4,232 age 25-34 year old crude deaths in the 5 year period, 2012-2016. After recreational marijuana was implemented, Colorado age 25-34 year old crude death rate increased significantly 12.4 points comparing 2012-2016 vs 2007-2011 death rates = 105.6 - 93.2 = 12.4 death rate point increase. Colorado ages 25-34 years old 2013-2017 Colorado 2013-2018
Marijuana THC Increased 317% in a 0.5 gram joint between 1990 and 2013
THC is the addictive part that gets a person high. The potency of a marijuana cigarette increased from 3 percent THC in 1990's to 12.5 percent THC in 2013. NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse); National Institutes of Health; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services web site 9-28-19, https://www.drugabuse.gov/about-nida/legislative-activities/testimony-to-congress/2014/mixed-signals-administrations-policy-marijuana-part-four-scientific-focus-adverse-health NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) (June 20, 2014) Mixed Signals: The Administration’s Policy on Marijuana, Part Four -- Scientific Focus on the Adverse Health Effects of Marijuana Use https://archives.drugabuse.gov/testimonies/2014/mixed-signals-administrations-policy-marijuana-part-four-scientific-focus-adverse-health-effects
A standard marijuana cigarette-joint size is 0.5 grams.
Standard Marijuana serving size set in the 1990s is 0.015 grams of 100% THC
1990 THC 3%, multiply the 1990 THC 3% by 0.5 grams (standard joint size) = 0.03x0.5=0.015 grams THC per 0.5 gram joint. Based on this information, the standard Marijuana serving size set in the 1990s is 0.015 grams of 100% THC.
2013 THC 12.5%: According to NIDA average Marijuana THC increased to 12.5% percent THC in 2013 = 12.5/100=0.125 THC x 0.5 grams (joint size) = 0.0625 grams of 100% THC, which is a 317% increase in THC between 1990 and 2013!!!!
Percent Increase - % change calculation 1990 vs 2013 THC = ((NewValue— OldValue) / OldValue) x 100 = ((THC1990 - THC2013)/ THC2013) x100 = ((0.0625-0.015) / 0.015) x100 = ((0.0475) / 0.015) x100 = 317% increase in THC between 1990 and 2013 (THC is the addictive part that gets a person high). THC grams increased 317% between 1990 and 2013 in a 0.5 grams serving. This made it's way to teens 😭, way more addictive than 30 years ago! Each time a teen smokes a 2013 joint it is equal to smoking four 1990 joints in one setting! Many teens are smoking daily, so in one week they are smoking the equivalent of twenty-eight 1990 marijuana joints a week, way more THC. Marijuana wasn't good to teens that smoked a joint in the 1990s, the grams of THC increased 317% (1990 versus 2013), way more high and addictive today. THC gets a person high like alcohol in beer or wine gets a person drunk. Vaping exploded overnight, and many teens are vaping, not because they like vaping, it hurts when they try to stop, some run away, become homeless because the pain of trying to quit is that bad. THC gets a person high, 317% more high, more addictive since 2013. It is like drinking a bunch of vodka, suddenly addicted, only you don’t vomit or slur words, every part of a day focuses on getting enough THC to not hurt while trying to complete responsibilities.
Marijuana Exponential Toxic Concentrates (wax, budder, shatter, oils, dabbing, extracts, gummies, candy, cookies, edibles) THC in some cases increased as much as 2,567%in a 0.5 gram joint between 1990 and 2013
According to NIDA, marijuana concentrates can have, 50-80% THC, High potential for Addiction! https://www.drugabuse.gov/about-nida/legislative-activities/testimony-to-congress/2014/mixed-signals-administrations-policy-marijuana-part-four-scientific-focus-adverse-health Marijuana extracts reach young people if we do not include cap boundaries to protect young people. THC is the element in marijuana that gets people high & addicted, like alcohol is the element in beer/wine that gets people drunk and addicted.
According to NIDA Marijuana Oils and Extracts can be as as high as 80% THC
80% THC Concentrate = 80/100 = 0.80 THC x 0.5 grams (joint size) = 0.4 grams of 100% THC is a 2,567% increase in THC between 1990 and 2013! A 2,567% THC increase is equivalent to smoking twenty-six 1990 joints in one 0.5 gram joint! This is what teens confront today, that is toxic potent!! Trying to get off the stuff, teens sometimes reach for another worse substance. The grams of THC increased 2,567% from 1990 to 80% concentrate today — way more high, addictive today!!!! However the good news, with God, encouragement, recovery and truthful support, many admit it is horrible to be addicted, receive help, go on to lead sober recovered good lives.
Percent Increase - % change calculation (3% THC versus 80% THC) = (((NewValue— OldValue) / OldValue) x 100 = ((0.4-0.015) / 0.015) x100 = 2,567% THC increased as much as 2,567% in a 80% THC marijuana extract or wax or oil between 1990 and 2013. Each time a teen vapes one of these it is equal to smoking twenty-six 1990 joints in one setting, 💔😭 exponentially addictive, it no longer takes years to get addicted, it happens with the first try - this is why it is important to protect teens, put lids on mind-altering substances so there is no over-flow. Colorado leads the nation in first time marijuana use by those aged 12–17, representing a 65% increase in adolescent use since legalization https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6312155/
Emergency Room (ER) Marijuana Admissions increase ALOT
Marijuana admissions increased 96% (2004 versus 2011) A rapid rise in emergency room (ER) admissions linked to marijuana use attests to the greater dangers of acute use. There were 128,857 ER visits related to marijuana use in 2011, nearly double the number from 2004 (65,699). Thus, Emergency room visits related to marijuana increased 96%, 2011 compared to 2004=((128,857-656,99)/656,99)x100 = 96%!! NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) (June 20, 2014) Mixed Signals: The Administration’s Policy on Marijuana, Part Four -- Scientific Focus on the Adverse Health Effects of Marijuana Use https://archives.drugabuse.gov/testimonies/2014/mixed-signals-administrations-policy-marijuana-part-four-scientific-focus-adverse-health-effects
Colorado Children hospital admissions for marijuana injury admissions increase 382% (2005 versus 2015). Lax Marijuana laws seriously hurting children Colorado, un-necessary substance companies making money at the expense of children in area. Denver area, visits to Children’s Hospital Colorado facilities for treatment of cyclic vomiting, paranoia, psychosis and other acute marijuana cannabis-related symptoms jumped to 777 in 2015, from 161 in 2005, a 382% increase acute cannabis (marijuana) hospital instances. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/potent-pot-vulnerable-teens-trigger-concerns-in-first-states-to-legalize-marijuana/2019/06/15/52df638a-8c9a-11e9-8f69-a2795fca3343_story.html
Marijuana Treatment admissions
The number of Marijuana public treatment admissions in Michigan attests to the higher marijuana potency, see page 15 of this report. This report also indicates very potent addictive substances are in Michigan in which residents are suffering (alcohol, heroin, opiates, cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, etc.). As such, we should do everything possible to uphold safe laws for residents and implement extra measures during this critical period to be sure we are supporting our most vulnerable residents, lax laws recklessly endanger vulnerable citizens. https://www.michigan.gov/documents/msp/FY18_Meth_Related_Criminal_Incidents_651356_7.pdf
The number of Marijuana U.S. treatment admissions attests to marijuana addiction, the higher volume of young marijuana treatment admissions validates the need to protect children and teens, eliminating overflow and keep marijuana baseline at 3%. This report also indicates very potent addictive substances are in Michigan and in every U.S. state, in which residents are suffering (alcohol, heroin, opiates, cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, etc.). As such, we should do everything possible to uphold safe laws for residents and implement extra safe strong stringent measures during this critical period to be sure we support our most vulnerable residents, lax laws recklessly endanger vulnerable citizens. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS): 2005-2015. State Admissions to Substance, Abuse Treatment Services. BHSIS Series S-95, HHS Publication No. (SMA) 17-4360. Rockville,MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2017. https://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/2015%20TEDS_State%20Admissions.pdf
Marijuana has a strong potential for abuse and is classified as a schedule Ι drug.