Michigan MI Kids need help DLA MI age 25-34 yr old 15-24 years old links DLA Death Increase Deaths Death Rate Key Findings Reference 15-34 years old 1999-2019 21 year Mystery solved DLA report Death Rate sheds light on 21 year mystery (other states soon to follow)Teens Adults Ages 15-34 years old by county

Michigan had so many teen adults deaths ages 15-34 yrs old MI DR 96.5 is 4.3 points higher 'worse' than U.S. DR 92.2 same age group in same period.
The mystery key to the deaths that went un-noticed until now, likely lies in the opening through Michigan great lakes. The Great Lakes are connected to the Atlantic ocean through the St. Lawrence Seaway, which means drugs have a way to enter Michigan that most parents were unaware of. States that border the oceans or seaways, Canada or Mexico now have increased shipments of illicit deadly addictive substances.
The Michigan entry is so far away, through lake Erie, through St. Lawrence river which runs through Canada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, more Canada through to Atlantic Ocean. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Lawrence_Seaway See Facebook Deceiving Mind Altering Substances with posts of shipments caught - how many make it thru undetected, https://www.facebook.com/Deceiving-Mind-Altering-Substances-108941933885096 how can we help prevent drugs from entering Michigan and strengthen teach young to avoid them? God in his gracious wisdom, gave us a clue, God tells us to strengthen, teach young whenever we get a chance, about WHEN GOD saved a nation Deuteronomy 11:19.
Below is a map of Michigan county death rates recent 21 years, Michigan has 53 counties with a death rate greater than the U.S. Blue box counties have a higher death rate than U.S. DR 92.2. Kids in blue box counties need the most support! Teens and young adults in Keweenaw and Ontonagon have the highest death rates, they need the most support! 53 Counties with DR (Crude Death Rate) greater than U.S. DR 92.2 need most support during recent 21 years , 1999-2019, Ages 15-34 years old . Are we doing all we can to rightly support young parents and their children? Are we doing all we can to support young in our neighborhoods? Are we strengthening young to be strong in God. God created the universe and us, has vast knowledge, strength, peace and love, the Kingdom of God is at hand.
DR (Crude Death Rate) per 100,000
County DR vs U.S. DR 92.2
Period: 1999-2019
Age Group: 15-34 yrs old
#1 Keweenaw County, MI 185.7 15 93.5
#2 Ontonagon County, MI 172. 37 79.8
#3 Wayne County, MI 145.1 15,436 52.9
#4 Crawford County, MI 144.2 85 52.0
#5 Iron County, MI 140.4 62 48.2
#6 Oscoda County, MI 135.8 46 43.6
#7 Iosco County, MI 135.4 134 43.2
#8 Genesee County, MI 133.2 3,066 41.0
#9 Schoolcraft County, MI 132.3 46 40.1
#10 Ogemaw County, MI 128.7 117 36.5
#11 Roscommon County, MI 126.4 109 34.2
#12 Alcona County, MI 124.3 42 32.1
#13 Arenac County, MI 121.5 88 29.3
#14 Huron County, MI 116.6 168 24.4
#15 Dickinson County, MI 116.1 137 23.9
#16 Presque Isle County, MI 115.7 57 23.5
#17 Wexford County, MI 115. 184 22.8
#18 Kalkaska County, MI 114.4 93 22.2
#19 Monroe County, MI 113.1 872 20.9
#20 Lake County, MI 112.9 51 20.7
#21 Sanilac County, MI 112.2 229 20.0
#22 Menominee County, MI 111.5 117 19.3
#23 Osceola County, MI 110.8 126 18.6
#24 Gladwin County, MI 110.1 119 17.9
#25 Mason County, MI 109.5 143 17.3
#26 Saginaw County, MI 109.3 1,197 17.1
#27 Benzie County, MI 109.2 80 17.0
#28 St. Joseph County, MI 108.5 350 16.3
#29 Calhoun County, MI 108.4 797 16.2
#30 Van Buren County, MI 108.3 MV 413 16.1
#31 Otsego County, MI 107. 123 14.8
#32 Antrim County, MI 106.4 103 14.2
#33 Oceana County, MI 106.4 138 14.2
#34 Newaygo County, MI 106.1 253 13.9
#35 Manistee County, MI 105.7 116 13.5
#36 Cheboygan County, MI 105.3 117 13.1
#37 St. Clair County, MI 105.3 HV 856 13.04
#38 Tuscola County, MI 105.1 294 12.9
#39 Gogebic County, MI 105. 80 12.8
#40 Montmorency County, MI 104.7 36 12.5
#41 Baraga County, MI 102.7 45 10.5
#42 Berrien County, MI 101.9 HV 809 9.7
#43 Mackinac County, MI 99.7 45 7.5
#44 Clare County, MI 99.4 139 7.2
#45 Montcalm County, MI 98.7 330 6.5
#46 Muskegon County, MI 98.4 HV 926 6.2
#47 Shiawassee County, MI 98.3 MV 357 6.1
#48 Alpena County, MI 97.9 133 5.7
#49 Bay County, MI 96.6 MV 527 4.4
#50 Branch County, MI 96.5 227 4.3
#51 Charlevoix County, MI 96.4 111 3.8
#52 Macomb County, MI 95.1 HV 4,247 2.8
#53 Cass County, MI 94.1 229 1.8
#54 Jackson County, MI 92. HV 788 -0.2
#55 Lapeer County, MI 91.9 MV 403 -0.2
#56 Delta County, MI 91.8 155 -0.2
#57 Hillsdale County, MI 90. 220 -2.2
#58 Missaukee County, MI 89.8 64 -2.2
#59 Barry County, MI 88.5 257 -3.2
#60 Allegan County, MI 84.4 MV 482 -8.2
#61 Luce County, MI 83.1 29 -9.2
#62 Livingston County, MI 81.4 MV 697 -11.2
#63 Emmet County, MI 81. 127 -11.2
#64 Oakland County, MI 78.7 MV 4,999 -13.2
#65 Lenawee County, MI 78.3 MV 418 -14.2
#66 Leelanau County, MI 78.3 65 -14.2
#67 Alger County, MI 77.7 34 -14.2
#68 Eaton County, MI 77.5 MV 451 -15.2
#69 Midland County, MI 76.6 MV 335 -15.2
#70 Ionia County, MI 75.1 MV 287 -17.2
#71 Gratiot County, MI 73. 183 -19.2
#72 Grand Traverse County, MI 72.5 MV 322 -19.2
#73 Marquette County, MI 71.4 MV 300 -21.2
#74 Kent County, MI 70.7 MV 2,655 -21.2
#75 Kalamazoo County, MI 68.3 MV 1,176 -24
#76 Chippewa County, MI 64.2 150 -28
#77 Clinton County, MI 63. MV 245 -29
#78 Ingham County, MI 58.8 MV 1,305 -33
#79 Houghton County, MI 56.1 148 -36
#80 Ottawa County, MI 54.3 MV 888 -38
#81 Mecosta County, MI 53.5 164 -39
#82 Washtenaw County, MI 52.4 MV 1,377 -40
#83 Isabella County, MI 43.1 MV 281 -49
Greatest Commandment: Matthew 22:35-40
Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
recent 7 years 2013-2019 crude death reports at https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../marijuan...
see how substance are impacting crude deaths, substance deaths
See Substance Deaths at https://hiskingdomwematter.blogspot.com/p/u.html
Data from Multiple Cause of Death Files, Vital Statistics Cooperative Program. Accessed at http://wonder.cdc.gov/ucd-icd10.html
Looking at death reports enables us to locate critical suffering populations to work on sober-minded good solutions to give support. The gospel of Jesus Christ, Healing, kindness works. Praying to help people in Jesus name.
We share reports to support saving lives hoping schools, places of worship, community groups, universities, colleges, hospitals, police, fire departments, EMS, government, businesses and all people will use these reports to help those suffering, support those in prison and prevent the next generation of children from stepping into the horrible substance situation, the kingdom of God is at hand.
Sincere prayers of healing to all the parents, family and friends that lost a child early in Jesus name.
Webpage: https://hisgracematters.com
see facebook
Oakland County, MI Crude Deaths 2013-2017, 5 Year Span = 52,123 deaths by by Age Group (Full Report Details Click Picture to see details) https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../oakland...
Oakland County, MI had 871 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../oakland...
Michigan Crude Death Report with County Map 2013-2017, Five Year Span (475,295 deaths during 2013-2017 five year span) https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../michigan...
Wayne County, MI had 2,284 age 25-34 year old death https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../wayne...
Washtenaw County, MI had HORRIBLE, TRAGIC young age 25-34 year old 50.5% death increase, 2013-2018 vs 2007-2012 recent 6 Year Span https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../washtena...
Macomb County, MI Michigan TERRIBLE 11% death incr... https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../macomb...
Livingston County, MI had 129 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../livingst...
Arenac County, MI age 25-34 year old death rate, https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../arenac...
Antrim County, MI had 13 age 25-34 year old deaths https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../antrim...
Allegan County, MI had 64 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../allegan...
Michigan Age Group Comparison Crude Deaths 2013-2017, five Year Span versus five years prior 2008-2012 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../michigan...
Cass County, MI had 24 age 25-34 year old crude deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../cass...
Calhoun County, MI had 137 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../calhoun...
Branch County, MI had 24 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../branch...
Berrien County, MI had 129 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../berrien...
Bay County, MI had 92 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../bay...
Barry County, MI had 37 age 25-34 year old deaths https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../barry...
Baraga County, MI age 25-34 year old death rate https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../baraga...
Alpena County, MI had 19 age 25-34 year old deaths https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../alpena...
Franklin County, OH Crude Deaths 2013-2017, 5 Year Span = 47,325 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../franklin...
Charlevoix County, MI had 16 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../charlevo...
Michigan Ages 25-34 years old had 25.0% crude death increase in the recent five years 2013-2017, 5
Year Span = 8,662 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../michigan...
Wexford County, MI had 18 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../wexford...
Chippewa County, MI had 15 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../chippewa...
Cheboygan County, MI had 16 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../cheboyga...
Dickinson County, MI had 15 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../dickinso...
Clinton County, MI had 37 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../clinton...
Delta County, MI had 20 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../delta...
Clare County, MI had 23 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../clare...
Wayne County, MI had 2,284 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../wayne...
Washtenaw County, MI had 238 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, significant 36.8%
death increase for young adults ages 25-34 years old, Washtenaw County, MI age 25-34 year old death
rate increased significantly 21.8 points in the recent five year period 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../washtena...
Van Buren County, MI had 51 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../van...
Tuscola County, MI had 40 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../tuscola...
St. Clair County, MI had 156 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/p/st.html
Shiawassee County, MI had 43 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../shiawass...
Saginaw County, MI had 173 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../saginaw...
Roscommon County, MI had 17 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../roscommo...
Otsego County, MI had 11 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../otsego...
Osceola County, MI had 16 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../osceola...
Ogemaw County, MI had 20 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 !!!!!!https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../ogemaw...
Oceana County, MI had 20 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../oceana...
Oakland County, MI had 871 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../oakland...
Newaygo County, MI had 40 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../newaygo...
Muskegon County, MI HORRIBLE 25% death increase young adults ages 25-34 years old, 150
age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../muskegon...
Montcalm County, MI had 40 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../montcalm...
Monroe County, MI had 173 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../monroe...
Midland County, MI had 53 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../midland...
Livingston County, MI had 129 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../livingst...
Menominee County, MI had 17 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../menomine...
Mason County, MI had 29 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../mason...
Marquette County, MI had 52 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../marquett...
Manistee County, MI had 17 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../manistee...
Macomb County, MI had 836 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../macomb...
Lenawee County, MI had 61 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../lenawee...
Leelanau County, MI had 13 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../leelanau...
Lapeer County, MI had 64 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. 20.8% crude death increase for young adults ages 25-34 years old, in the recent 5 year 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../lapeer...
Kent County, MI 10th lowest death rate for ages 25-34 year olds in Michigan recent 5 years, 2013-2017 with recent significant 36.7% death increase for young adults ages 25-34 years old in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../kent...
Kalkaska County, MI had 12 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../kalkaska...
Kalamazoo County, MI had 199 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 had significant 36.3% crude death increase for young adults ages 25-34 years old https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../kalamazo...
Jackson County, MI had 155 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../jackson...
Isabella County, MI had 52 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../isabella...
Iosco County, MI has the #2nd highest WORST ages 25-34 years old death rate in Michigan, Iosco age 25-34 year old death rate 274.7 is 155.9 points 'higher, WORSE than' U.S. age 25-34 year old DR 118.8.WORSE than' U.S. age 25-34 year old DR 118.8., had 121.4% tragic death increase for young adults ages 25-34 years old, in the recent 5 years, had 31 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../iosco...
Ionia County, MI had 48 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../ionia...
Ingham County, MI had 253 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../ingham...
Huron County, MI had 29 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../huron...
Houghton County, MI had 18 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../houghton...
Hillsdale County, MI had 30 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../hillsdal...
Gratiot County, MI had 20 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 2nd lowest death rate for ages 25-34 year olds in Michigan https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../gratiot...
Grand Traverse County, MI had 47 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../grand...
Gladwin County, MI had 17 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../gladwin...
Genesee County, MI had 494 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../genesee...
Emmet County, MI had 22 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../emmet...
Eaton County, MI had 77 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../eaton...
Benzie County, MI age 25-34 year old death rate, 119.9 is 1.1 points 'higher, WORSE than' U.S. age 25-34 year old DR 118.8. , 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../benzie...
St. Joseph County, MI had 51 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../st...
Ottawa County, MI TERRIBLE 17.5% crude death increase young adults ages 25-34 years old, 134 age 25-34 year old deaths in recent 5 years 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../ottawa...
Mecosta County, MI had 21 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../mecosta...
Sanilac County, MI had 45 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../sanilac...
Wayne County, MI Crude Deaths 2013-2017 5 Year Span, death rate, 1032.6 is 192 points 'higher, WORSE than' U.S. DR 840.6, 1% crude death increase, 90,894 crude deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../wayne...
Alger County, MI Crude Deaths 2013-2017 5 Year Span https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../alger...
Alcona County, MI Crude Deaths 2013-2017 5 Year Span https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../alcona...
Montmorency County, MI has #2 highest WORST death rate, 1739.6 is 899 points 'higher, WORSE than' U.S. DR 840.6, significant 4.4% crude death increase, 806 crude deaths during recent five years 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../montmore...
Alpena County, MI as the 19th highest, WORST, death rate, had significant 4.9% crude death increase, 1,871 crude deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. Alpena County, MI death rate, 1298.9 is 458.3 points 'higher, WORSE than' U.S. DR 840.6 during recent five years 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../alpena...
Alcona County, MI has #1 highest WORST death rate in Michigan, 1779.8 is 939.2 points 'higher, WORSE than' U.S. DR 840.6, significant 3.9% crude death increase, 927 crude deaths in the recent 5 years 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../alcona...
Crawford County, MI has 20th highest, WORST, death rate, 10.5% crude death increase, 865 crude deaths in the recent 5 years, death rate, 1251.8 is 411.2 points 'higher, WORSE than' U.S. DR 840.6 during recent five years 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../crawford...
Gogebic County, MI had 11 age 25-34 year old deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../gogebic...
Ontonagon County, MI has 4th highest, WORST death rate in Michigan, death rate 1683.6 is 843 points 'higher, WORSE than' U.S. DR 840.6 during recent five years 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../ontonago...
Roscommon County, MI has 3rd highest, WORST death rate in Michigan, death rate 1739.5 is 898.9 points 'higher, WORSE than' U.S. DR 840.6, significant 8.7% crude death increase, 2,078 deaths in recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../roscommo...
Iron County, MI has 5th highest, WORST death rate in Michigan, death rate 1682.9 is 842.3 points 'higher, WORSE than' U.S. DR 840.6 during recent five years 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../iron...
Oscoda County, MI has 9th highest, WORST Michigan death rate, 1518.6 is 678 points 'higher, WORSE than' U.S. DR 840.6, 631 deaths during recent five years 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../oscoda...
Ogemaw County, MI has 7th highest, WORST death rate in Michigan during recent five years 2013-2017, death rate, 1531.9 is 691.3 points 'higher, WORSE than' U.S. DR 840.6, significant 15.7% crude death increase, 1,610 deaths in recent 5 years 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../ogemaw...
Iosco County, MI has 6TH highest, WORST death rate in Michigan, death rate 1663.2 is 822.6 points 'higher, WORSE than' U.S. DR 840.6, significant 9.8% death increase, 2,107 crude deaths during recent five years 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../iosco...
Presque Isle County, MI has 8th highest, WORST Michigan death rate 1525 is 684.4 points 'higher, WORSE than' U.S. DR 840.6, significant 5.1% crude death increase, 983 crude deaths during recent five years 2013-2017 https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../presque...
Huron County, MI has 10th highest, WORST Michigan ... https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../huron...
Mackinac County, MI 16th highest, WOR... https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../mackinac...
Crawford County, MI has the #1 highest WORST young adult ages 25-34 years old death rate 400.1 in
Michigan in the recent five years, Crawford had 25 age 25-34 year old deaths in recent five years 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/p/crawford.html
Schoolcraft County, MI has 11th highest, WORST Mic... https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../schoolcr...
Lake County, MI has 12th highest, WORST Michigan d... https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../lake...
Clare County, MI 13th highest, WORST Michigan deat... https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../clare...
Arenac County, MI has 14th highest, WORST Michigan... https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../arenac...
Gladwin County, MI has 15th highest, WORST Michigan death rate, 1364.5 is 523.9 points 'higher, WORSE than' U.S. DR 840.6 during recent five years 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomnumbersmatter.blogspot.com/.../gladwin...
Michigan 70.3% substance death increase ages 25-34 years old 2013-2017, recent 5 year span (Substance Deaths = mind-altering Substance deaths, see Substance Death ICD List below) https://hiskingdomwematter.blogspot.com/.../michigan-us...
Michigan 107.9% substance death increase teens and young adults ages 15-34 years old by County 2009-2017, 9 year comparison report before/after 2008 marijuana law change. 6,360 age 15-34 year old substance deaths 2009-2017 (Substance Deaths = mind-altering Substance deaths, see Substance Death ICD List below) Michigan had significant 31.4% substance death increase, Michigan had 17,349 substance deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017.
Michigan had significant 31.4% substance death increase, Michigan had 17,349 substance deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017. https://hiskingdomwematter.blogspot.com/.../michigan-had...
substance deaths U.S. https://HisKingdomWeMatter.blogspot.com/p/u.html
Webpage: https://hisgracematters.com
see facebook