Minnesota had significant a 25.8% crude death increase for ages 25-34 years old, - - 651 more crude deaths in the recent 5 year span versus prior 5 years, 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012 = 3,179 - 2,528 = 651 more crude deaths in the recent 5 year span. Minnesota had 3,179 age 25-34 year old crude deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017.
Minnesota age 25-34 year old crude death rate increased significantly 14.4 points comparing recent five year crude death rate to prior five, 2013-2017 versus 2008-2012 death rates = 84.9 - 70.5 = 14.4 death rate point increase in the recent 5 year period. Death Rate = ((Crude Deaths)/Population)*100,000. See Key State Findings table for population details.
Calculation for Percent Change = ((New Value - Old Value)/ Old Value )*100 = 25.8% = Minnesota ((2013-2017 Crude deaths - 2008-2012 Crude deaths ) / (2008-2012 Crude deaths ))*100 = ((3,179 - 2,528) / ( 2,528))*100 = ((651) / ( 2,528))*100 = 25.8%
Mind-altering substances impact crude deaths: View Michigan mind-altering substance deaths https://hiskingdomwematter.blogspot.com/p/michigan-had-significant-31.html
The impact of the poison team working together cannot be discounted. The poison team is the tobacco, vaping and Marijuana groups working together instituting getting people sick/addicted, acting like they are doing good when in fact they are working to harm. If we do not work to stop their poison, it will continue:
1. Deceptively disguise poison product in apparatus, oils, lotions, makeup and food with smells and flavors for no good reason other than to get people addicted. Market to kids putting it in gummy bears, nerds, candy bars, etc. For example, adding a flavoring to an antibiotic a child needs to fight a horrible bacterial infection, is helping the child take the medication they need for a specific time period to fight infection. Marijuana and tobacco companies exist to entice people into addiction with no end, they want your money, there isn't anything good about it. Maybe they are addicted and don't realize they are doing it, which is all the more reason to work together to limit situation.
2. Doesn’t warn voters or customers they aim to institute dangerous mind-altering substance OVER-PRESCRIBING which has a history of increased young deaths in areas it occurs. Mind-altering substances normally have a two-week prescribing limit for safety purposes. Instead of instituting safe two-week prescribing limit, in Michigan they directed a bill to propose heavy over-prescribing (2.5 ounces is heavy over-prescribing 4.5 months). As such, young deaths increased. Recreational is an extreme form of over-prescribing, it has no limits - it takes doctors out of the prescribing process, eliminates medical safety, it is no wonder people end up strung out on drugs, homeless, can’t think straight because regulations that protected the young, old and special needs were eliminated by these groups. Their goal is to dump mind-altering substances into communities deceptively acting like it will make money for the community, without noting cost to human beings of instituting misery –as mind altering substance use increases in an area - accidents, suicides, deaths, homelessness, runaways, prostitution, violence, human trafficking, theft, arrests, child abuse and sicknesses increase due to the high/drunk deceiving effect a mind-altering substance has on a person. Marijuana is a mind-altering substance.
3. Doesn't warn voters or customers they work to institute extreme addictive strength (see notes below about dabbing and vaping) so people are addicted with first try. They call it improving their product when in fact their aim is to get people addicted to increase customers. Poison team posts deceiving signs without posting a bigger sign that their stuff is poison that it hurts people. They implemented nuclear addictive strength of THC without noting EXTREME inherent addiction danger what it really does to people - takes money, takes mind off good goals to feed marijuana/tobacco addiction because addiction means a person hurts to do normal everyday things now without the drug, has to start day with tobacco/marijuana to move forward to think without hurting and that is very bad.
4. Doesn’t warn voters many will become ill with addiction, will need recovery, see Marijuana Treatment admissions below.
5. Doesn’t promote or support recovery when 3% THC (or low-level nicotine) no longer works, instead of promoting recovery they push more drug use. A teen addicted to THC gets older, reaches legal drinking age and drives, may reach for an alcoholic drink during a celebration, their addiction begins to double. As addiction increases, the ability to make good decisions decreases, depression sets in as substances begin to wear off, they might reach for a substance to feel better. Soon young adults start losing control, at the same time, there are other deadly poisonous mind-altering substances that have entered the state such as meth, opiates, cocaine and Xanax, etc. Illicit drugs increase in areas where marijuana is instituted, which is very bad for community, young people and families.
6. Doesn’t warn voters or customers marijuana increases risk of psychosis, risk of violence associated with psychosis and schizophrenia https://twitter.com/i/status/1226739682412724225
A. Prohibiting marijuana before age 34 years old is an effective strategy in preventing opioid use disorder in young adults , prevention strategy against opioid addiction, especially in high risk groups will effectively reduce teen and young adult substance deaths https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31962227
B. Prohibit Marketing of mind-altering substances: Good laws prohibiting marketing of tobacco cigarette use, effectively removed nicotine from the young crowd to near non-existent, see green line in link. Safe laws will move young deaths into non-existent too. Prohibit marketing of mind-altering substances (e.g., vaping, tobacco, hookah, marijuana, PCP, acid, mushrooms, etc.) in any form (edibles, oils, lotions, make-up, drinks, cigarettes, blunts, dried or wet) on radio, internet, cable, television, signs, news posts, sporting events, magazines, newspapers, point of sales and social media (Facebook, twitter, Instagram, snapchat, YouTube, LinkedIn, messenger, pin-interest). https://hiskingdomwematter.blogspot.com/p/safe-laws-moved-tobacco-into-near.html
Minnesota age 25-34 year old crude death rate increased significantly 14.4 points comparing recent five year crude death rate to prior five, 2013-2017 versus 2008-2012 death rates = 84.9 - 70.5 = 14.4 death rate point increase in the recent 5 year period. Death Rate = ((Crude Deaths)/Population)*100,000. See Key State Findings table for population details.
Calculation for Percent Change = ((New Value - Old Value)/ Old Value )*100 = 25.8% = Minnesota ((2013-2017 Crude deaths - 2008-2012 Crude deaths ) / (2008-2012 Crude deaths ))*100 = ((3,179 - 2,528) / ( 2,528))*100 = ((651) / ( 2,528))*100 = 25.8%
Mind-altering substances impact crude deaths: View Michigan mind-altering substance deaths https://hiskingdomwematter.blogspot.com/p/michigan-had-significant-31.html
The impact of the poison team working together cannot be discounted. The poison team is the tobacco, vaping and Marijuana groups working together instituting getting people sick/addicted, acting like they are doing good when in fact they are working to harm. If we do not work to stop their poison, it will continue:
1. Deceptively disguise poison product in apparatus, oils, lotions, makeup and food with smells and flavors for no good reason other than to get people addicted. Market to kids putting it in gummy bears, nerds, candy bars, etc. For example, adding a flavoring to an antibiotic a child needs to fight a horrible bacterial infection, is helping the child take the medication they need for a specific time period to fight infection. Marijuana and tobacco companies exist to entice people into addiction with no end, they want your money, there isn't anything good about it. Maybe they are addicted and don't realize they are doing it, which is all the more reason to work together to limit situation.
2. Doesn’t warn voters or customers they aim to institute dangerous mind-altering substance OVER-PRESCRIBING which has a history of increased young deaths in areas it occurs. Mind-altering substances normally have a two-week prescribing limit for safety purposes. Instead of instituting safe two-week prescribing limit, in Michigan they directed a bill to propose heavy over-prescribing (2.5 ounces is heavy over-prescribing 4.5 months). As such, young deaths increased. Recreational is an extreme form of over-prescribing, it has no limits - it takes doctors out of the prescribing process, eliminates medical safety, it is no wonder people end up strung out on drugs, homeless, can’t think straight because regulations that protected the young, old and special needs were eliminated by these groups. Their goal is to dump mind-altering substances into communities deceptively acting like it will make money for the community, without noting cost to human beings of instituting misery –as mind altering substance use increases in an area - accidents, suicides, deaths, homelessness, runaways, prostitution, violence, human trafficking, theft, arrests, child abuse and sicknesses increase due to the high/drunk deceiving effect a mind-altering substance has on a person. Marijuana is a mind-altering substance.
3. Doesn't warn voters or customers they work to institute extreme addictive strength (see notes below about dabbing and vaping) so people are addicted with first try. They call it improving their product when in fact their aim is to get people addicted to increase customers. Poison team posts deceiving signs without posting a bigger sign that their stuff is poison that it hurts people. They implemented nuclear addictive strength of THC without noting EXTREME inherent addiction danger what it really does to people - takes money, takes mind off good goals to feed marijuana/tobacco addiction because addiction means a person hurts to do normal everyday things now without the drug, has to start day with tobacco/marijuana to move forward to think without hurting and that is very bad.
4. Doesn’t warn voters many will become ill with addiction, will need recovery, see Marijuana Treatment admissions below.
5. Doesn’t promote or support recovery when 3% THC (or low-level nicotine) no longer works, instead of promoting recovery they push more drug use. A teen addicted to THC gets older, reaches legal drinking age and drives, may reach for an alcoholic drink during a celebration, their addiction begins to double. As addiction increases, the ability to make good decisions decreases, depression sets in as substances begin to wear off, they might reach for a substance to feel better. Soon young adults start losing control, at the same time, there are other deadly poisonous mind-altering substances that have entered the state such as meth, opiates, cocaine and Xanax, etc. Illicit drugs increase in areas where marijuana is instituted, which is very bad for community, young people and families.
6. Doesn’t warn voters or customers marijuana increases risk of psychosis, risk of violence associated with psychosis and schizophrenia https://twitter.com/i/status/1226739682412724225
A. Prohibiting marijuana before age 34 years old is an effective strategy in preventing opioid use disorder in young adults , prevention strategy against opioid addiction, especially in high risk groups will effectively reduce teen and young adult substance deaths https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31962227
B. Prohibit Marketing of mind-altering substances: Good laws prohibiting marketing of tobacco cigarette use, effectively removed nicotine from the young crowd to near non-existent, see green line in link. Safe laws will move young deaths into non-existent too. Prohibit marketing of mind-altering substances (e.g., vaping, tobacco, hookah, marijuana, PCP, acid, mushrooms, etc.) in any form (edibles, oils, lotions, make-up, drinks, cigarettes, blunts, dried or wet) on radio, internet, cable, television, signs, news posts, sporting events, magazines, newspapers, point of sales and social media (Facebook, twitter, Instagram, snapchat, YouTube, LinkedIn, messenger, pin-interest). https://hiskingdomwematter.blogspot.com/p/safe-laws-moved-tobacco-into-near.html
B. Prohibit Marketing of mind-altering substances: Good laws prohibiting marketing of tobacco cigarette use, effectively removed nicotine from the young crowd to near non-existent, see green line in link. Safe laws will move young deaths into non-existent too. Prohibit marketing of mind-altering substances (e.g., vaping, tobacco, hookah, marijuana, PCP, acid, mushrooms, etc.) in any form (edibles, oils, lotions, make-up, drinks, cigarettes, blunts, dried or wet) on radio, internet, cable, television, signs, news posts, sporting events, magazines, newspapers, point of sales and social media (Facebook, twitter, Instagram, snapchat, YouTube, LinkedIn, messenger, pin-interest). https://hiskingdomwematter.blogspot.com/p/safe-laws-moved-tobacco-into-near.html
Ages 25-34 years old, crude Death Rates by state, 2013-2017, five year span, U.S. Map
Eastern states (e.g., Michigan and Ohio) tend to have higher age 25-34 year old death rates than the U.S. age 25-34 year old death rate '118.8' indicated by o
o = red circle indicates state crude death rate is greater than U.S. age 25-34 year old crude DR 118.8.
p = red triangle indicates a top 15 state struggling with high age 25-34 year old death increase in the recent five year period, 2013-2017.
Crude DR (Death Rate) = (crude deaths/population) x 100,000 = U.S. Crude DR for ages 25-34 during 2013-2017 = ((261,988) / (220,518,208)) * 100,000 = 118.8
There were 118.8 crude deaths per 100,000 people age 25-34 years old in the U.S. during the recent five year span 2013-2017.
Crude death is a measure of all death for a specified period and age group.
Ages 25-34 years old, crude Death Rates by state, 2013-2017, five year span, U.S. Map
Eastern states (e.g., Michigan and Ohio) tend to have higher age 25-34 year old death rates than the U.S. age 25-34 year old death rate '118.8' indicated by o o = red circle indicates state crude death rate is greater than U.S. age 25-34 year old crude DR 118.8.
p = red triangle indicates a top 15 state struggling with high age 25-34 year old death increase in the recent five year period, 2013-2017.
Crude DR (Death Rate) = (crude deaths/population) x 100,000 = U.S. Crude DR for ages 25-34 during 2013-2017 = ((261,988) / (220,518,208)) * 100,000 = 118.8
There were 118.8 crude deaths per 100,000 people age 25-34 years old in the U.S. during the recent five year span 2013-2017.
Crude death is a measure of all death for a specified period and age group.
How much did age 25-34 crude deaths increase in the in the U.S. in the recent five year period, 2013-2017, compared to the prior five years, 2008-2012, is this significant?
Answer: U.S. young adults ages 25-34 years old had a 21.6% crude death increase - - 46,613 more crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span vs prior 5 years, 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012 = 261,988 - 215,375 = 46,613 more crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span. U.S. young adults ages 25-34 years old had 261,988 crude deaths in the recent five years, 2013-2017!
U.S young adults ages 25-34 years old crude death rate increased significantly 14.3 points comparing recent five year crude death rate to prior five years, 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012 death rates = 118.8 - 104.5 = 14.3 death rate point increase in the recent five year period! DR (Death Rate) = (Deaths / Population )*100,000 = 118.8 = ((261,988) / (220,518,208)) * 100,000 = 118.8
Calculation for Percent Change (%Death increase/decrease) = ((New Value - Old Value)/ Old Value )*100 = 21.6% = 25-34 years ((2013-2017 Crude deaths - 2008-2012 Crude deaths ) / (2008-2012 Crude deaths ))*100 = ((261,988 - 215,375) / ( 215,375))*100 = ((46,613) / ( 215,375))*100 = 21.6% crude death increase for ages 25-34 years old.

Note: It is out of character for ages 25-34 years old, to have significant death increase. It is not normal for a young healthy age group to have a significant death increase. Normally this age group stays relatively the same, goes up or down a point or two, it should go down considering all the technology and safety electronics we have. The U.S. having a 14.3 death rate point increase, is a horrific significant change in death in a normally healthy young age group, ages 25-34 years old! To better understand this significance, look at mind-altering substance deaths for this population in the same period U.S. substance deaths by state https://hiskingdomwematter.blogspot.com/p/us-age-25-34-year-old-substance-deaths.html and Minnesota substance deaths https://hiskingdomwematter.blogspot.com/p/minnesota-us-ages-25-34-year-old.html.
Deaths lost per day
Answer: U.S. young adults ages 25-34 years old had a 21.6% crude death increase - - 46,613 more crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span vs prior 5 years, 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012 = 261,988 - 215,375 = 46,613 more crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span. U.S. young adults ages 25-34 years old had 261,988 crude deaths in the recent five years, 2013-2017!
U.S young adults ages 25-34 years old crude death rate increased significantly 14.3 points comparing recent five year crude death rate to prior five years, 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012 death rates = 118.8 - 104.5 = 14.3 death rate point increase in the recent five year period! DR (Death Rate) = (Deaths / Population )*100,000 = 118.8 = ((261,988) / (220,518,208)) * 100,000 = 118.8
Calculation for Percent Change (%Death increase/decrease) = ((New Value - Old Value)/ Old Value )*100 = 21.6% = 25-34 years ((2013-2017 Crude deaths - 2008-2012 Crude deaths ) / (2008-2012 Crude deaths ))*100 = ((261,988 - 215,375) / ( 215,375))*100 = ((46,613) / ( 215,375))*100 = 21.6% crude death increase for ages 25-34 years old.

Note: It is out of character for ages 25-34 years old, to have significant death increase. It is not normal for a young healthy age group to have a significant death increase. Normally this age group stays relatively the same, goes up or down a point or two, it should go down considering all the technology and safety electronics we have. The U.S. having a 14.3 death rate point increase, is a horrific significant change in death in a normally healthy young age group, ages 25-34 years old! To better understand this significance, look at mind-altering substance deaths for this population in the same period U.S. substance deaths by state https://hiskingdomwematter.blogspot.com/p/us-age-25-34-year-old-substance-deaths.html and Minnesota substance deaths https://hiskingdomwematter.blogspot.com/p/minnesota-us-ages-25-34-year-old.html.
Deaths lost per day
Which age group had the largest increase in crude deaths in the U.S. in the last 5 year span 2013-2017 compared to the prior 5 years?
Answer: The ten-year age group, ages 25-34 years had the largest increase in crude death in the last five year span, ages 25-34 years old had significant, 21.6% increase in crude deaths, 2013-2017 versus the five years prior 2008-2012!
Answer: The ten-year age group, ages 25-34 years had the largest increase in crude death in the last five year span, ages 25-34 years old had significant, 21.6% increase in crude deaths, 2013-2017 versus the five years prior 2008-2012!
Age Division % Change (Age Group Comparison
In U.S., in the recent five year span, 2013-2017, we see a significant increase in crude death for persons aged 15-24 years old, compared to earlier age group age 5-14 years old, we see a 463% increase in crude death for persons aged 15-24 years old, compared to earlier age group age 5-14 years old. There were 125,296 more crude deaths age 15-24 year old age group versus the earlier age 5-14 year old age group.
Calculation for percent change is ((New Value - Old Value) / Old Value)*100 = ((Age 15-24 year old crude deaths - Age 5-14 year old crude deaths)/Age 5-14 year old crude deaths)*100 = (152,371 - 27,075/27,075 = 463% increases in crude deaths for persons aged 15-24 years old compared to earlier age group age 5-14 years old.
In the following age group, age 25-34 years old,
we see significant death increase, 72% death increase for persons aged 25-34 years old, compared to earlier age group age 15-24 years old, there were 109,617 more deaths in the age 25-34 year old age group versus the earlier age 15-24 years old age group.
Calculation for percent change is ((New Value - Old Value) / Old Value)*100 = ((Age 25-34 year old Crude deaths - Age 15-24 year old crude deaths)/Age 15-24 year old crude deaths)*100 = (261,988 - 152,371/152,371 = 72% increases in crude deaths for persons aged 25-34 years old compared to earlier age group age 15-24 years old
Key U.S. State Findings Ages 25-34 years old, comparing recent five year deaths 2013-2017 to prior five years 2008-2012, State alphabetical table
What three states have the highest age 25-34 year old crude death rates 2013-2017?
Answer: West Virginia, New Mexico and Alabama have the highest age 25-34 crude death rates in the recent five years, 2013-2017. States with the highest death rates need the most support.
During 2013-2017 the following 29 states had a age 25-34 year old death rate greater than U.S. age 25-34 year death rate '118.8', listed worst to best: West Virginia, New Mexico, Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alaska, Ohio, Arkansas, New Hampshire, Tennessee, Indiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Montana, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Wyoming, Missouri, Michigan, Maryland, Maine, Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, North Dakota, Vermont, South Dakota, Nevada, Utah.
The table below indicates the 261,988 U.S. age 25-34 deaths in the recent five year period, 2013-2017, sorted by state age 25-34 year old crude death rate.
Orange indicates the top 15 worst Crude death rates per state population. The red bars to the right indicate crude death volume.
DR (Death Rate) = (Crude Death Rate)/Population*100,000.
U.S. Crude DR for ages 25-34 during 2013-2017 recent five year span = (Crude Deaths/Population)*100,000 = 118.8 = ((261,988) / (220,518,208)) * 100,000 = 118.8
There were 118.8 deaths per 100,000 persons age 25-34 years old in the U.S. during 2013-2017.
the Red light indicates a state crude death rate is higher "worse" than the U.S. age 25-34 year old crude death rate '118.8'. States that are struggling with crude death have a higher death rate than the U.S. death rate.
Population rank is broken into three categories:
HV = high volume 1-15 = HV
MV = medium volume 16-31 = MV
Age Division % Change (Age Group Comparison
In U.S., in the recent five year span, 2013-2017, we see a significant increase in crude death for persons aged 15-24 years old, compared to earlier age group age 5-14 years old, we see a 463% increase in crude death for persons aged 15-24 years old, compared to earlier age group age 5-14 years old. There were 125,296 more crude deaths age 15-24 year old age group versus the earlier age 5-14 year old age group.
Calculation for percent change is ((New Value - Old Value) / Old Value)*100 = ((Age 15-24 year old crude deaths - Age 5-14 year old crude deaths)/Age 5-14 year old crude deaths)*100 = (152,371 - 27,075/27,075 = 463% increases in crude deaths for persons aged 15-24 years old compared to earlier age group age 5-14 years old.
In the following age group, age 25-34 years old,
we see significant death increase, 72% death increase for persons aged 25-34 years old, compared to earlier age group age 15-24 years old, there were 109,617 more deaths in the age 25-34 year old age group versus the earlier age 15-24 years old age group.
we see significant death increase, 72% death increase for persons aged 25-34 years old, compared to earlier age group age 15-24 years old, there were 109,617 more deaths in the age 25-34 year old age group versus the earlier age 15-24 years old age group.
Calculation for percent change is ((New Value - Old Value) / Old Value)*100 = ((Age 25-34 year old Crude deaths - Age 15-24 year old crude deaths)/Age 15-24 year old crude deaths)*100 = (261,988 - 152,371/152,371 = 72% increases in crude deaths for persons aged 25-34 years old compared to earlier age group age 15-24 years old
Key U.S. State Findings Ages 25-34 years old, comparing recent five year deaths 2013-2017 to prior five years 2008-2012, State alphabetical table
What three states have the highest age 25-34 year old crude death rates 2013-2017?
Answer: West Virginia, New Mexico and Alabama have the highest age 25-34 crude death rates in the recent five years, 2013-2017. States with the highest death rates need the most support.
During 2013-2017 the following 29 states had a age 25-34 year old death rate greater than U.S. age 25-34 year death rate '118.8', listed worst to best: West Virginia, New Mexico, Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alaska, Ohio, Arkansas, New Hampshire, Tennessee, Indiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Montana, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Wyoming, Missouri, Michigan, Maryland, Maine, Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, North Dakota, Vermont, South Dakota, Nevada, Utah.
The table below indicates the 261,988 U.S. age 25-34 deaths in the recent five year period, 2013-2017, sorted by state age 25-34 year old crude death rate.
Orange indicates the top 15 worst Crude death rates per state population. The red bars to the right indicate crude death volume.
DR (Death Rate) = (Crude Death Rate)/Population*100,000.
U.S. Crude DR for ages 25-34 during 2013-2017 recent five year span = (Crude Deaths/Population)*100,000 = 118.8 = ((261,988) / (220,518,208)) * 100,000 = 118.8
There were 118.8 deaths per 100,000 persons age 25-34 years old in the U.S. during 2013-2017.

Population rank is broken into three categories:
HV = high volume 1-15 = HV
MV = medium volume 16-31 = MV
What are the top 15 states with the highest age 25-34 crude death rates in the last five year period, 2013-2017?
All young deaths are sad, it is really concerning and very sad is seeing a HV (high volume population) state Ohio #8 in the top 10 - takes ALOT of death to move a high population state up to a death rate that high, death rate is deaths/populations. #16 Pennsylvania is (high volume population) state
Answer: During 2013-2017 the following 15 states have the worst, highest crude death rates. States that are struggling have a crude death rate higher or 'worse than' the U.S. crude DR '118.8'.
Population Rank (1-15=HV, 16-31=MV, 32+= LV).
HV= High Volume,
MV= Medium Volume,
LV = Low Volume.
HV= High Volume,
MV= Medium Volume,
LV = Low Volume.
During 2013-2017 five year period, the following 15 states have the worst, ‘highest’ Age 25-34 crude death rates. States that are struggling have a crude death rate higher or 'worse than' the U.S. crude DR '118.8'.
- #1 West Virginia, DR 206.1, is 87 points above the U.S. age 25-34 year old death rate ‘118.8’, 2,250 25-34 yr old deaths
- #2 New Mexico DR 190.6, is 72 points above the U.S. age 25-34 year old death rate ‘118.8’, 2,668 25-34 yr old deaths
- #3 Alabama DR 173.1, is 54 points above the U.S. age 25-34 year old death rate ‘118.8’, 5,467 25-34 yr old deaths
- #4 Kentucky DR 172.9, is 54 points above the U.S. age 25-34 year old death rate ‘118.8’, 4,935 25-34 yr old deaths
- #5 Mississippi DR 172.2, is 53 points above the U.S. age 25-34 year old death rate ‘118.8’, 3,379 25-34 yr old deaths
- #6 Louisiana DR 169.5, is 51 points above the U.S. age 25-34 year old death rate ‘118.8’, 5,711 25-34 yr old deaths
- #7 Alaska DR 164.7, is 46 points above the U.S. age 25-34 year old death rate ‘118.8’, 979 25-34 yr old deaths
- #8 Ohio DR 159.2, is 40 points above the U.S. age 25-34 year old death rate ‘118.8’, 11,845 25-34 yr old deaths
- #9 Arkansas DR 154.8, is 36 points above the U.S. age 25-34 year old death rate ‘118.8’, 3,016 25-34 yr old deaths
- #10 New Hampshire DR 153.6, is 35 points above the U.S. age 25-34 year old death rate ‘118.8’, 1,207 25-34 yr old deaths
- #11 Tennessee DR 151.2, is 32 points above the U.S. age 25-34 year old death rate ‘118.8’, 6,632 25-34 yr old deaths
- #12 Indiana DR 150.8, is 32 points above the U.S. age 25-34 year old death rate ‘118.8’, 6,435 25-34 yr old deaths
- #13 Oklahoma DR 150.3, is 31 points above the U.S. age 25-34 year old death rate ‘118.8’, 4,045 25-34 yr old deaths
- #14 South Carolina DR 149.8, is 31 points above the U.S. age 25-34 year old death rate ‘118.8’, 4,801 25-34 yr old deaths
- #15 Montana DR 146.7, is 28 points above the U.S. age 25-34 year old death rate ‘118.8’, 962 25-34 yr old deaths
- #16 Pennsylvania DR 146.6, is 28 points above the U.S. age 25-34 year old death rate ‘118.8’, 12,142 25-34 yr old deaths States that have high death rates, need critical support to investigate counties where this is happening, to determine what is causing this high death increase to develop strategies to support good health and prevent early death. (County reports will be out ASAP)
The chart below sorts U.S. age 25-34 Crude Deaths, 2013-2017, 5 year span, by state crude death volume.
What state had the highest age 25-34 crude death increase in the last five year span, 2013-2017, compared to the five years prior 2008-2012?
Answer: New Hampshire had a 84% crude death increase, the highest age 25-34 year old crude death increase in the recent five years, 2013-2017.
New Hampshire had a 84.% crude death increase for ages 25-34 years old, - - - - 551 more crude deaths in the recent five year span versus prior 5 years, 2013-2017 versus 2008-2012 = 1,207 - 656 = 551 more crude deaths in the last 5 year span. New Hampshire had 1,207 age 25-34 year old crude deaths in the last 5 years, 2013-2017.
New Hampshire age 25-34 year old crude death rate increased 63.5 points comparing recent 5 year crude death rate to prior 5, 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012 death rates = 153.6 - 90.1 = 63.5 death rate point increase in the recent five year period, 2013-2017. DR (Death Rate) = (Crude Death Rate)/Population*100,000.
Calculation for Percent Change = ((New Value - Old Value)/ Old Value )*100 = 84.% = New Hampshire ((2013-2017 Crude deaths - 2008-2012 Crude deaths ) / (2008-2012 Crude deaths ))*100 = ((1,207 - 656) / ( 656))*100 = ((551) / ( 656))*100 = 84.%

What are the top 15 states with the highest age 25-34 year old crude death increase in the last five year span, 2013-2017, compared to the five years prior 2008-2012?

The table below compares recent five year age 25-34 year old state crude deaths to the prior five years, 2013-2017, five year span compared to 5 years prior 2008-2012, sorted by age 25-34 year old state crude death percent change (crude death increase/decrease).
Calculation for Percent Change = ((New Value - Old Value)/ Old Value )*100 = ((2013-2017 crude deaths - 2008-2012 crude deaths ) / (2008-2012 crude deaths ))*100
Dark Red Highlight indicates state death increase in the table below. States that have high death increase, need critical support to investigate counties where this is happening, to understand what is causing this high death increase to develop strategies to support good health and prevent early death. (County reports will be out ASAP)

This report includes all deaths, Crude death is a measure of all death for a specified period and age group.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Dataset: Underlying Cause of Death. 1999-2017 on CDC WONDER Online Database, released December, 2018. Data from the Multiple Cause of Death Files, 1999-2017, as compiled from data provided by the 57 vital statistics jurisdictions through the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program. CDC source data, but not a CDC publication. Data Accessed at http://wonder.cdc.gov/ and https://wonder.cdc.gov/ucd-icd10.html
Group By: State; Ten-Year Age Groups
Copyright information
Permission is given to print and share this report to support education and health of people, free of charge. When you share or print, suggested citation includes source, facebook page and blog.
Resources –Seeking Help
Medical Emergency Call 911
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline for Deaf & hard of hearing 1-800-799-4889
If You Suspect your child is using drugs http://www.drugfree.org/intervene
Treatment Locator – National listing by SAMHSA and Referral Hotline (SAMHSA) 1-877-SAMHSA-7a
Veteran’s and their Families. http://www.veteranscrisisline.net/Resources/SpreadTheWord.aspx
Veteran’s and their Families Call: 1-800-273-8255
24 Hour Toll Free Prayer Lines
Daystar 1-800-329-0029
Catholic prayer hotline TBD
National Prayer Center Assemblies of God 1-800-477-2937
Christian Broadcasting Network (700 Club) 1-800-759-0700
Common Ground: (248) 456-8144
Young people are a blessing and are made to live. Losing young people in the land in which we live is devastating, we must never forget those we lost and keep moving forward to prevent the next generation from stumbling into this situation.
When young deaths rise, a critical situation is occurring, as responsible citizens, we can find ways to support critical populations, support the young, elderly and the lowly. We can investigate what is happening, have any laws changed in an area that could affect the health of people.
Greatest Commandment: Matthew 22:35-40
35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, 36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Contact: Phone: Please join us in supporting good health of all people call 248-392-8676 or email hismatter@gmail.com or join us at
Mind-Altering-Substance Reports old: the link below works if you replace the ^^^" with a period dot "." Facebook blocked the reports again, some reports are still here until we move them to the site listed above, in the meantime replace ^^^ with a "." https://hisgracematters^^^blogspot.com/p/us-substance-deaths-2013-2017-5-year.html
Crude_Death_Reports: https://HisKingdomNumbersMatter.blogspot.com
Crude_Death_Reports_Old: the link below works if you replace the ^^^" with a period dot "." Facebook blocked the reports again, some reports are still here until we move them to the site listed above, in the meantime replace ^^^ with a "." https://HisGraceMattersCommunityNumbersMatter^^^blogspot.com/
This report includes all deaths, Crude death is a measure of all death for a specified period and age group.
This report includes all deaths, Crude death is a measure of all death for a specified period and age group.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Dataset: Underlying Cause of Death. 1999-2017 on CDC WONDER Online Database, released December, 2018. Data from the Multiple Cause of Death Files, 1999-2017, as compiled from data provided by the 57 vital statistics jurisdictions through the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program. CDC source data, but not a CDC publication. Data Accessed at http://wonder.cdc.gov/ and https://wonder.cdc.gov/ucd-icd10.html
Group By: State; Ten-Year Age Groups
Copyright information
Permission is given to print and share this report to support education and health of people, free of charge. When you share or print, suggested citation includes source, facebook page and blog.
Resources –Seeking Help
Medical Emergency Call 911
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline for Deaf & hard of hearing 1-800-799-4889
If You Suspect your child is using drugs http://www.drugfree.org/intervene
Treatment Locator – National listing by SAMHSA and Referral Hotline (SAMHSA) 1-877-SAMHSA-7a
Veteran’s and their Families. http://www.veteranscrisisline.net/Resources/SpreadTheWord.aspx
Veteran’s and their Families Call: 1-800-273-8255
24 Hour Toll Free Prayer Lines
Daystar 1-800-329-0029
Catholic prayer hotline TBD
National Prayer Center Assemblies of God 1-800-477-2937
Christian Broadcasting Network (700 Club) 1-800-759-0700
Common Ground: (248) 456-8144
Young people are a blessing and are made to live. Losing young people in the land in which we live is devastating, we must never forget those we lost and keep moving forward to prevent the next generation from stumbling into this situation.
When young deaths rise, a critical situation is occurring, as responsible citizens, we can find ways to support critical populations, support the young, elderly and the lowly. We can investigate what is happening, have any laws changed in an area that could affect the health of people.
Greatest Commandment: Matthew 22:35-40
35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, 36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Contact: Phone: Please join us in supporting good health of all people call 248-392-8676 or email hismatter@gmail.com or join us at
Mind-Altering-Substance Reports old: the link below works if you replace the ^^^" with a period dot "." Facebook blocked the reports again, some reports are still here until we move them to the site listed above, in the meantime replace ^^^ with a "." https://hisgracematters^^^blogspot.com/p/us-substance-deaths-2013-2017-5-year.html
Crude_Death_Reports: https://HisKingdomNumbersMatter.blogspot.com
Crude_Death_Reports_Old: the link below works if you replace the ^^^" with a period dot "." Facebook blocked the reports again, some reports are still here until we move them to the site listed above, in the meantime replace ^^^ with a "." https://HisGraceMattersCommunityNumbersMatter^^^blogspot.com/