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Baltimore City, MD Kids need help, Heel young deaths, Jesus is the only way to life, stop the crisis. Baltimore borders an ocean, areas that border the ocean are seeing increased shipments of addictive, illicit deadly substances, as such young deaths increased. *Marijuana, nicotine, vape, alcohol, Xanax increased same time illicit substances increased, tragic Baltimore City, MD youth, 31.3% death increase ages 25-34 years old recent 7 years 2013-2019! 💔😭 NOTE: Marijuana is addictive, it did not help young in Colorado, instead of relief, Colorado youth TRAGIC 39.4% death increase ages 25-34 years old, Colorado had 6,641 age 25-34 years old deaths recent 7 years. ✝️Protect U.S. youth, Prohibit mind-altering substance marketing. Young are struggling. Support young with God's words and recovery, not marijuana or any other substance.

Other Reports
Michigan MI Kids need help DLA MI age 25-34 yr old  15-24 years old links DLA  Death Increase  Deaths Death Rate Key Findings Reference   15-34 years old 1999-2019 21 year Mystery solved DLA report  Death Rate sheds light on 21 year mystery  (other states soon to follow)