U.S. KIDS need help Ages 15-34 years old, Ages 15-24, Ages 25-34, Ages 35-44, Ages 45-54, Ages 55-64, Ages 75-84, Ages 85+, Infants, Ages 1-4, Ages 5-14, (All Ages by state Summary), (Alabama 15 -34),
Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado 15-34, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, (Wisconsin 15-34), Wyoming
Michigan MI KIDS need help DLA MI age 25-34 yr old 15-24 years old links DLA Death Increase Deaths Death Rate Key Findings Reference (Ages 15-34 % ## DR 21 year Mystery DLA DR) (All Ages DR DR w young death increase)
Sorted by highest (worst) Death Rate

Alabama had significant 3.6% crude death increase ages 15-34 years old, recent 7 years versus prior, 2013-2019 vs 2006-2012 - - - - 429 more crude deaths recent 7 years = 12,314 - 11,885 = 429. Alabama had 12,314 ages 15-34 years old crude deaths recent 7 years, 2013-2019.
Alabama ages 15-34 years old death rate increased significantly 3.5 points comparing recent 7 year crude death rate to prior 7, 2013-2019 vs 2006-2012 death rates = 136.2 - 132.8 = 3.5 death rate point increase recent 7 year period.
WARN KIDS! Addictive, deadly, illicit substances arrive from other countries through Canada/Mexico borders, ocean_ports and great_lake_ports via St. Lawrence seaway - same time weed, alcohol, xanax, vape, nicotine increase! Stay HEALTHY, sober-minded with God and Good News Gospel of Jesus Christ. Help kids grow in the Kingdom of God (mark 10:14), teach Deut 11:19 when God saved a nation! Study God's words to build faith, which increases miracles, God wants all to be saved! See Roman's Road
Calculation for Death Increase = Percent Change = ((New Value - Old Value)/ Old Value )*100 = 14.4% =
((2013-2019deaths - 2006-2012deaths ) / (2006-2012deaths ))*100 = ((19,453 - 16,998) / ( 16,998))*100 = ((2,455) / ( 16,998))*100 = 14.4%
2013-2019 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (12314 / 9038105)*100,000 = 136.25
2006-2012 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (11885 / 8951739)*100,000 = 132.77
Population % Change = ((New-Old)/Old)*100 = ((9038105-8951739)/8951739)*100 = .96%
Population Difference = 86,366
Death Rate recent if Population was same as 2006-2012 = 137.56
Alabama Ages 15-34 death rate, 136.2 is 40.1 points 'higher, WORSE than' U.S. DR 96.1 during recent 7 years 2013-2019!