Critical UPDATE with 2020 data, compares deaths 9 years before/after WA/CO weed - Illicit/Weed increase same time with tragic results - - - Scroll down to see historical report
Change adult use to ages 35 years and older, prohibit advertising all mind-altering substances, CBD weed kratom nicotine alcohol mind-altering substances, grand-father in current such as when changing drinking age from 18 to 21 years old. Limit prescribing to two weeks, shut down rec weed! Mind-altering substances are idols that increase destruction. Close pot lid save kids!
Prohibit marijuana before age 34 years old is an effective strategy in preventing opioid use disorder in young adults , prevention strategy against opioid addiction, especially in high risk groups will effectively reduce teen and young adult substance deaths
#1 worst county Montmorency DR 74.1 points higher than U.S. DR, HOT PINK no deaths prior 9 years, now at least 10 deaths, no warning, now has the highest ages 15-24 year old death rate in Michigan, moved up 79 notches, #2 Presque_Isle county ^ 16.7% ^ 11 notches, #3 Manistee death ^ 172.7% ^ 66 notches, #4 Iron, #5 Benzie ^ 11.8% ^ 5 notches, #6 Crawford ^ 7.1% ^ 10 notches, #7 Wayne ^ 2 notches, #8 Genesee ^7 notches, #9 Ogemaw^5% ^17 notches, #10 Dickinson, Ingham 47%, Leelanau 40%, Lenawee 34.8%, Delta 34.8%, Eaton 29%, Isabella 20.8%, Osceola 20%, Macomb ^ 19.9%, Cass 18.4%, Muskegon 16.4%, Ottawa 14.7%, Marquette 12%, Benzie 11.8%, Charlevoix 10%, Berrien 9.1%, Kalamazoo 8.7%, Kent 6.6%, Livingston 6.3%, St. Clair 5.9%, Gladwin 5%, Ogemaw 5%, Wexford 2.9%, Oakland 2.8%, Washtenaw 2.2%, Monroe 2.1%
Michigan ages 15-24 years old 8, 968 deaths since WA/CO rec 2012-2020 recent nine years same-time illicit substances increase - recent 9 years, kids addicted, sick need recovery trying to get off weed, might reach for another substance trying to feel better same-time illicit increase, many die during ages 25-34 years old 32% death increase this is WRONG! It gets worse each year with lax WEED laws since 2008! Change adult use to 35 years old, grand-father in prior - put a stop to kids stepping into the sickening drug mess!
Michigan KIDS ages 15-34 years started suffering, deaths drastically went up after 2008 when medicinal marijuana and vape came to town with lax 5 month drug dealing over-prescribing instead of two week prescribing limit, didn't tell the truth, same time illicit substances increased - HORRIFIC tragic accidents!
CRITICAL! kids are targeted with weed, vape, tobacco - their temples being destroyed because weed 2008 lax 5 month drug dealing over-prescribing weed law, tobacco and weed been increasing in the young crowd since then - change 2008 medicinal to 7 gram 2 week prescription instead of 2.5 ounce 4.5 month supply 141 joints drug dealing supply is wrong - over-prescribing always results in young death increase, prohibit advertising mind-altering substances and change adult use to 35 years old!
CRITICAL! Michigan ages 15-24 years olds moved from a good death rate -3.5 points below U.S. DR 75.6 to a horrific critical death rate 1.7 points greater WORSE than U.S. DR 71. Weed without strong lid to keep kids out, gives kids wrong message same-time illicit increases!
40 counties have CRITICAL ages 15-24 years old death rates greater than U.S. ages 15-24 years old DR 71! Critical Counties have a DR greater than U.S. DR. Recent 9 years 2012-2020
35 counties have CRITICAL ages 15-24 years old DEATH RATE INCREASE recent 9 years DR (death rate) minus prior 9 years DR ! (2012-2020 - 2003-2011)
29 counties have CRITICAL ages 15-24 years old death INCREASE recent 9 years versus 9 years prior!
1 Hot Pink county has ages 15-24 years old deaths of 10 or more recent 9 years with PRIOR 9 years sub-national totals with 9 or less deaths, which are not published. All the sudden, these counties have young adult deaths recent 9 years where they didn't display deaths prior 9 years - no warning! Montmorency county not listed in prior 9 year report now has the highest ages 15-24 year old death rate in Michigan! Teens/young adults stepped into substance situation, suffering hard addiction at a young age!* Montmorency County, MI, 10 deaths recent 7 years, death rate 74.1 points greater/worse than U.S. ages 15-24 DR 71
Top 7 Highest Worst ages 15-24 years old Death Rates recent 9 years:
#1 Montmorency County, MI ages 15-24 years old death rate is critical 74.1 points higher WORSE than U.S. DR 71!#2 Presque_Isle County, MI ages 15-24 years old death rate is critical 61.4 points higher WORSE than U.S. #3 Manistee County, MI ages 15-24 years old death rate is critical 53.4 points higher WORSE than U.S., #4 Iron County, MI ages 15-24 years old death rate is critical 52.7 points higher WORSE than U.S., #5 Benzie County, MI ages 15-24 years old death rate is critical 49.9 points higher WORSE than U.S., #6 Crawford County, MI ages 15-24 years old death rate is critical 49.8 points higher WORSE than U.S.,
#7 Wayne County, MI ages 15-24 years old death rate is critical 39.1 points higher WORSE than U.S. - these top 7 worst DR counties are CRITICAL, kids in these counties need EMERGENCY sober protection, salvation education and support! All 40 red light counties are critical, need salvation education, sober protection support to stop kids from stepping into the substance situation! Many kids have stepped into substance situation and are suffering hard addiction at a young age - help kids to church, places that support sobriety, prevent early deaths!
Top 7 Highest Worst ages 15-24 years old DR (Death Rate) INCREASE counties - comparing recent DR 9 years minus prior 9 years DR:
#1 Manistee County, MI ages 15-24 years old DEATH RATE increased 80.8 points recent 9 years!
#2 Delta County, MI DR (death rate) increased 31.2 points,
#3 Presque_Isle County, MI DR (death rate) increased 30.9 points,
#4 Leelanau County, MI DR (death rate) increased 26.8 points,
#5 Osceola County, MI DR (death rate) increased 24.4 points,
#6 Lenawee County, MI DR (death rate) increased 23.3 points,
#7 Crawford County, MI DR (death rate) increased 22.5 points - these top 7 worst DR (death rate) INCREASE counties are CRITICAL, kids in these counties need EMERGENCY sober protection, salvation education and support!
Top 7 Highest Worst ages 15-24 years old Death Increase counties recent 9 years:
#1 Manistee County, MI HARDEST HIT ages 15-24 years old DEATH increased 172.7% recent 9 years!#2 Delta County, MI ages 15-24 years old DEATH increased 34.8%,
#3 Presque_Isle County, MI ages 15-24 years old DEATH increased 16.7%,
#4 Leelanau County, MI ages 15-24 years old DEATH increased 40.%,
#5 Osceola County, MI ages 15-24 years old DEATH increased 20.%,
#6 Lenawee County, MI ages 15-24 years old DEATH increased 34.8%,
#7 Crawford County, MI ages 15-24 years old DEATH increased 7.1% - these top 7 worst DR INCREASE counties are CRITICAL, kids in these counties need EMERGENCY sober protection, salvation education and support!
Immersing the top 7 counties with the most ages 15-24 years old deaths, with Godly support, supports lives of children, creates a heavenly place, while breaking dealers' finances. These 7 counties account for 5,420 deaths in Michigan, 60.4% of ages 15-24 years old deaths recent 9 years 2012-2020. Educating kids to have no desire for mind-altering substances by telling the truth while introducing Jesus/God's amazing gifts, love, forgiveness, healing, wisdom, faith and strength - gives kids a new Kingdom of God playground dealers can't destroy.
#1 Wayne County, MI had the most ages 15-24 years old DEATHs, 2,331 deaths,
#2 Oakland County, MI 859 ages 15-24 years old deaths,
#3 Macomb County, MI 759 ages 15-24 years old deaths, #4 Genesee County, MI 519 ages 15-24 years old deaths, #5 Kent County, MI 468 ages 15-24 years old deaths, #6 Ingham County, MI 253 ages 15-24 years old deaths, #7 Washtenaw County, MI 231 ages 15-24 years old deaths, - these 7 counties are CRITICAL, kids in these counties need EMERGENCY sober protection, salvation education and support!
Immersing the top 15 counties with the most ages 15-24 years old deaths, with Godly support, supports lives of children, creates a heavenly place, while breaking dealers' finances. These 15 counties account for 6,781 deaths in Michigan, 75.6% of ages 15-24 years old deaths recent 9 years 2012-2020. Educating kids to have no desire for mind-altering substances by telling the truth while introducing Jesus/God's amazing gifts, love, forgiveness, healing, wisdom, faith and strength - gives kids a new Kingdom of God playground dealers can't destroy. #1 Wayne County, MI had the most ages 15-24 years old DEATHs, 2,331 deaths,#2 Oakland County, MI 859 ages 15-24 years old deaths,
#3 Macomb County, MI 759 ages 15-24 years old deaths, #4 Genesee County, MI 519 ages 15-24 years old deaths, #5 Kent County, MI 468 ages 15-24 years old deaths, #6 Ingham County, MI 253 ages 15-24 years old deaths, #7 Washtenaw County, MI 231 ages 15-24 years old deaths, #10 Ottawa County, MI 179 deaths, #12 Monroe County, MI 148 deaths, #15 Livingston County, MI 134 deaths - these 15 counties are CRITICAL, kids in these counties need EMERGENCY sober protection, salvation education and support!
#1 worst ages 15-24 years old DR (death rate) is Montmorency County, MI - Montmorency death rate is critical 74.122 points higher WORSE than U.S. DR 71!
#2 Presque Isle County, MI 61.414 points higher WORSE than U.S.
#3 Manistee County, MI 53.4 points higher WORSE than U.S.,
#4 Iron County, MI 52.7 points higher WORSE than U.S.,
#5 Benzie County, MI 49.9 points higher WORSE than U.S.,
#6 Crawford County, MI 49.8 points higher WORSE than U.S.,
#7 Wayne County, MI 39.1 points higher WORSE than U.S. - these top 7 worst DR counties are CRITICAL, kids in these counties need EMERGENCY sober protection, salvation education and support! All 40 red light counties are critical, salvation education, sober protection and support to stop kids from stepping into the substance situation! Many kids have stepped into substance situation and are suffering hard addiction at a young age - help kids to church, places that support sobriety, prevent early deaths!
1.2% of Michigan counties (1 counties) had Tragic Critical ages 15-24 years old Death rate increase of 40+ points recent seven years: 1 divide that by total county count 83 = 1.2%
42.2% of Michigan counties (35 counties) had Sad Critical ages 15-24 years old Death rate increase recent seven years: 35 divide that by total county count 83 = 42.2%
#1 Manistee County, MI - Manistee DR (death rate) increased 80.8 points recent 9 years!
#2 Delta County, MI death rate increased 31.2 points,
#3 Presque Isle County, MI death rate increased 30.9 points,
#4 Leelanau County, MI death rate increased 26.8 points,
#5 Osceola County, MI death rate increased 24.4 points,
#6 Lenawee County, MI death rate increased 23.3 points,
#7 Crawford County, MI death rate increased 22.5 points,
#8 Eaton County, MI death rate increased 19.6 points,
#9 Muskegon County, MI death rate increased 18.4 points,
#10 Ogemaw County, MI death rate increased 16.8 points
#11 Cass County, MI death rate increased 15.6 points!
#12 Gladwin County, MI death rate increased 15.4 points,
#13 Benzie County, MI death rate increased 15.2 points,
#14 Ingham County, MI death rate increased 14.3 points,
#15 Berrien County, MI death rate increased 12.9 points,
#16 Wexford County, MI death rate increased 11.4 points,
#17 Macomb County, MI death rate increased 11.1 points,
#18 Charlevoix County, MI death rate increased 11.1 points,
#19 St. Clair County, MI death rate increased 11 points,
#20 Huron County, MI death rate increased 9.8 points
#21 Monroe County, MI death rate increased 9 points!
#22 Genesee County, MI death rate increased 8.9 points,
#23 Branch County, MI death rate increased 7.8 points,
#24 Cheboygan County, MI death rate increased 7.8 points,
#25 Isabella County, MI death rate increased 7.3 points,
#26 Saginaw County, MI death rate increased 6.9 points,
#27 Marquette County, MI death rate increased 6.3 points,
#28 Bay County, MI death rate increased 5.4 points,
#29 Kent County, MI death rate increased 5.2 points,
#30 Kalamazoo County, MI death rate increased 2.6 points
#31 Calhoun County, MI death rate increased 1.5 points!
#32 Alpena County, MI death rate increased 1 points,
#33 Ottawa County, MI death rate increased 1 points,
#34 Iron County, MI death rate increased 0.7 points,
#35 Jackson County, MI death rate increased 0.5 points,
#36 Wayne County, MI DR decreased -0.1 points,
#37 Missaukee County, MI DR decreased -0.5 points,
#38 Roscommon County, MI DR decreased -0.6 points,
#39 Oakland County, MI DR decreased -1.3 points,
#40 Washtenaw County, MI DR decreased -1.4 points
#41 Clinton County, MI DR decreased -1.6 points!
#42 Mason County, MI DR decreased -1.8 points,
#43 Livingston County, MI DR decreased -2 points,
#44 Montcalm County, MI DR decreased -2.1 points,
#45 Gratiot County, MI DR decreased -4 points,
#46 Houghton County, MI DR decreased -7.4 points,
#47 Chippewa County, MI DR decreased -7.7 points,
#48 Midland County, MI DR decreased -8.6 points,
#49 Allegan County, MI DR decreased -10.4 points,
#50 Mecosta County, MI DR decreased -11.4 points
#51 Clare County, MI DR decreased -11.9 points!
#52 Shiawassee County, MI DR decreased -12.5 points,
53 Ionia County, MI DR decreased -12.6 points,
#54 Tuscola County, MI DR decreased -13.4 points,
#55 Kalkaska County, MI DR decreased -13.8 points,
#56 Iosco County, MI DR decreased -13.9 points,
#57 St. Joseph County, MI DR decreased -18.2 points,
#58 Dickinson County, MI DR decreased -19.2 points,
#59 Van Buren County, MI DR decreased -20.1 points,
#60 Barry County, MI DR decreased -21.7 points
#61 Oceana County, MI DR decreased -22.3 points!
#62 Sanilac County, MI DR decreased -22.6 points,
#63 Emmet County, MI DR decreased -25.9 points,
#64 Lapeer County, MI DR decreased -26.4 points,
#65 Newaygo County, MI DR decreased -27 points,
#66 Hillsdale County, MI DR decreased -30.2 points,
#67 Grand Traverse County, MI DR decreased -30.6 points,
#68 Menominee County, MI DR decreased -39.5 points,
#69 Arenac County, MI DR decreased -48.5 points,
#70 Antrim County, MI DR decreased -58.1 points
Safe laws prohibiting MARKETING of tobacco cigarette use, effectively removed nicotine from the young crowd to near non-existent, see green line below. Safe laws will move young substance deaths into near none-existent too. Vape weed/tobacco potency increased as noted in the sharp upward increase to right, making it extremely addictive. Prohibit marketing of vaping, tobacco, marijuana, edibles, mind-altering substances oils/lotions etc. on social media, signs and news posts to remove it from young crowd.
Green Line, Good laws prohibiting marketing of tobacco cigarette use, effectively removed nicotine from the young crowd to near non-existent, see green line below.

Crack weed nuclear 1900%+ more addictive then 3% 1980 weed - some smoking it daily equivalent to smoking 20 1980 joints in one setting!! That is like drinking nearly 2 cases of beer in one setting then going to school, as such not thinking straight! This is how teen violence increases, Teen Endorphins/dopamine drops, teens can't sleep good now, kids start grabbing substances to feel better, same time illicit substances increase, not realizing the only way to truly feel better is protected recovery so their body can remake endorphins/dopamine builds up faster with healing prayer request to God Our Father in Jesus name. 
Death and Population Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Dataset: Underlying Cause of Death. 1999-2017 on CDC WONDER Online Database, released December, 2018. Data from the Multiple Cause of Death Files, 1999-2017, as compiled from data provided by the 57 vital statistics jurisdictions through the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program. CDC source data, but not a CDC publication. Data Accessed at and
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Permission is given to print and share this report to support education and health of people, free of charge.
Resources –Seeking Help
Medical Emergency Call 911
Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK
Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
Suicide Prevention Lifeline for Deaf; hard of hearing 1-800-799-4889
Treatment Locator – National listing by SAMHSA and Referral Hotline (SAMHSA) 1-877-SAMHSA-7a
Call: 1-800-273-8255
24 Hour Toll Free Prayer Lines
Daystar 1-800-329-0029
National Prayer Center Assemblies of God 1-800-477-2937
Christian Broadcasting Network (700 Club) 1-800-759-0700
Common Ground: (248) 456-8144 (24 hours/day) Families and friends can ask questions at common ground number, it is often a hard emotional time, they help family and friends guide loved ones into treatment or detox (coming off a mind-altering substance is hard, it can temporarily make a person feel suicidal, which is why protected recovery detox is important, to have support during withdraw and to build recovery support. Some people have a hard time sleeping during early recovery, this is another reason for addiction treatment recovery, so a person doesn't have to be responsible for work during withdraw. Some mind-altering substances require tapering off slowly with medical support for safe detoxification withdraw to reduce risk of harm (e.g., seizures, hallucinations, etc.) these are alcohol, opiates, benzodiazepines, methamphetamine, oxycontin, methadone or suboxone).
Good low cost christian program is Life Challenge, I believe they have scholarships for those who can not afford it, recovery is available, message Living in Grace, local community programs, local churches or hospitals, we can find scholarships to help people in Phone: (313) 531-0111
Young parents are often afraid to talk about the need for recovery, afraid they will loose custody of children, that is no longer true. Progams like Odyssey Village allow young children and parents in, both mom, or dad or both attend. Parents are in separate housing during the program to keep recovery as the prime focus. Odyssey Village Phone: (810) 238-5888
Young people are a blessing and are made to live. Losing young people in the land in which we live is devastating, we must never forget those we lost and keep moving forward to prevent the next generation from stumbling into this situation. When young deaths rise, a critical situation is occurring, as responsible citizens, we can find ways to support critical populations, support the young, elderly and the lowly. We can investigate what is happening, have any laws changed in an area that could affect the health of people.
Greatest Commandment: Matthew 22:35-40
35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, 36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Parents indicated reporting was needed to support young people, they were right, U.S. report revealed young adults ages 25-34 years old in the experienced critical horrible significant 21.6% death increase in the recent five years - - - - - 46,613 more deaths in the recent five year span versus prior five years, 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012, this is a terrible, critical increase in young deaths. We must determine to support life, support sober-minded life, tell the truth about the deceiving nature of mind-altering substances, help young and old people to recovery, support churches, recovery centers, prisons, support sober-minded laws and sobriety education in schools. To see mind-altering substance reports go here l or see link at bottom of this report page.
The first step to changing a situation is to admit the situation exists, addiction exists, mind-altering substances can cause misery and tragic early death if addiction sets in without recovery support. The good news is we have a God who saves, Deuteronomy 6 indicates God commands us to teach children about when God saved the nation Israel, millions of people with no phones, no computers - God heard the cries and prayers of the people, he saved. God commands us to teach children keep these words in our heart, teach them diligently when sitting in the house, when walking out of the house or in the house, when thou liest down and when thou risest up. God is saying, keep the words, memorize them, never forget them, keep them close in mind, daily. God so loves us and our children, he gave us these words to save and teach these words to be saved. U.S. KIDS need Jesus EMERGENCY protection to ages 35 years old (All Ages by state Summary),Infants under 1 years old, ages 1-4, ages 5-14, ages 15-34 years old, ages 15-24, ages 25-34,ages 35-44, ages 45-54, ages 55-64, ages 65-74, ages 75-84, ages 85+ Top 75 worst, Top worst ages 15-34, Top worst ages 85+, Top 85+ Horrific Death Rate Increase of 2400+ points ages 85+
Michigan 15-34 map 15-34 Michigan kids need Jesus EMERGENCY protection to ages 35, ages 25-34 ( % ## DLA ) (ages 15-24 DLA % ## DR) (ages 15-34 % ## DR 21 year Mystery DLA DR) (All Ages DR DR & young %) increase) All ages, infants under 1 yrs old, ages 1-4, ages 5-14, ages 15-34 years old, ages 15-24, ages 25-34, ages 35-44, ages 45-54, ages 55-64, ages 65-74, ages 75-84, ages 85+, Substance_Deaths_Michigan Alcona, Alger, Allegan, Alpena, Antrim, Arenac, Baraga, Barry, Bay, Benzie, Berrien, Branch, Calhoun, Cass, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Chippewa, Clare, Clinton, Crawford, Delta, Dickinson, Eaton, Emmet, Genesee, Gladwin, Gogebic, Grand_Traverse, Gratiot, Hillsdale, Houghton, Huron, Ingham, Ionia, Iosco, Iron, Isabella, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Kalkaska, Kent, Keweenaw, Lake, Lapeer, Leelanau, Lenawee, Livingston, Luce, Mackinac, Macomb, Manistee, Marquette, Mason, Mecosta, Menominee, Midland, Missaukee, Monroe, Montcalm, Montmorency, Muskegon, Newaygo, Oakland, Oceana, Ogemaw, Ontonagon, Osceola, Oscoda, Otsego, Ottawa, Presque_Isle, Roscommon, Saginaw, Sanilac, Schoolcraft, Shiawassee, St. Clair, St. Joseph, Tuscola, Van Buren, Washtenaw, Wayne, Wexford SAD recreational facilities
(Alabama 15-34 S), (Alaska 15-34 S), (Arizona 15-34 S), (Arkansas 15-34 S), (California 15-34 S), (Colorado 15-34 S), (Connecticut 15-34 S), (Delaware 15-34 S), (District of Columbia 15-34 S), (Florida 15-34 S), (Georgia 15-34 S), (Hawaii 15-34 S), (Idaho 15-34 S), (Illinois 15-34 S), (Indiana 15-34 S), (Iowa 15-34 S), (Kansas 15-34 S), (Kentucky 15-34 S), (Louisiana 15-34 S), (Maine 15-34 S), (Maryland 15-34 S), (Massachusetts 15-34 S), (Michigan map 15 15-34 S), (Minnesota 15-34 S), (Mississippi 15-34 S), (Missouri 15-34 S), (Montana 15-34 S), (Nebraska 15-34 S), (Nevada 15-34 S), (New Hampshire 15-34 S), (New Jersey 15-34 S), (New Mexico 15-34 S), (New York 15-34 S), (North Carolina 15-34 S), (North Dakota 15-34 S), (Ohio 15-34 S), (Oklahoma 15-34 S), (Oregon 15-34 S), (Pennsylvania 15-34 S), (Rhode Island 15-34 S), (South Carolina 15-34 S), (South Dakota 15-34 S), (Tennessee 15-34 S), (Texas 15-34 S), (Utah 15-34 S), (Vermont 15-34 S), (Virginia 15-34 S), (Washington 15-34 S), (West Virginia 15-34 S), (Wisconsin 15-34 S), (Wyoming 15-34 S)
Understanding death increase enables us locate critical suffering populations to work on sober-minded solutions to give support. Living in Grace created these reports to improve the health and well-being of persons living in the United States. Recovery and sobriety works. Living in Grace shares reporting to support work with governments, schools, places of worship, community groups, universities, colleges, hospitals, police, fire departments, EMS and businesses to help those suffering to recovery, support those in prison and prevent the next generation of children from stepping into the horrible substance situation.
Contact: Phone: Please join us in supporting good health of all people call 248-392-8676